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2.7.4. Response

statussuccess | error
codeError codeInteger
docStatus0 - account is not closed / 1 - account closedInteger
cashAmountcash payment amount in kopecksInteger
cashlessAmountcashless payment amount in kopecksInteger
transactionIDcard payment transaction codeString
authCodeauthorization codeString
cardNumpayment card number (depending on the payment system)String
creditAmountloan amount, kopecksInteger
bonusesAmountbonus payment amount in kopecksInteger
prepaymentAmountprepayment amount in kopecksInteger
+ invoice record block described in the /sale request

Error codes​

0No error
1Authorization erro
2Invalid JSON format
3Required parameters not passed

Response example:​

"authID": "",
"cardNum": "",
"cashAmount": 0,
"cashlessAmount": 0,
"docStatus": -1,
"fiscalID": "",
"items": [],
"otherAmount": 0,
"status": "success",
"transactionID": ""